Thursday, March 6, 2008

2009 Black Labrador Retrievers Weekly Calendar

Tucker seen in the 2009 Black Labrador Retrievers Weekly Calendar, published by Brown Trout.

2009 Black Labrador Retrievers Weekly Calendar

Tucker seen in the 2009 Black Labrador Retrievers Weekly Calendar published by Brown Trout.

Wally seen in the 2009 Labrador Retrievers Pocket Planner, published by Brown Trout.

©Sporthorse Photography

2009 Labrador Retrievers Weekly Calendar

Wally seen in the 2009 Labrador Retrievers Weekly Calendar published by Brown Trout.

©Sporthorse Photography

2009 For the Love of Boxers Calendar

Cley seen in the 2009 For the Love of Boxers Calendar published by BrownTrout Publishers.

©Sporthorse Photography / Tara Gregg